Apostolic Centers
This course will prepare apostolic people to apply principles that transform your local assembly into an apostolic center with an emphasis on training, equipping and sending individuals into their respective mantles and callings
Apostolic Centers Syllabus
Apostolic Centers Week 1: Letting Go Of The Old
Apostolic Centers Homework: Week#1
Apostolic Centers Wk2: From Church To Kingdom
Apostolic Centers Week 2: Homework Due Date: Friday February 4, by 12 NOON EST .....NO EXCEPTIONS
Vatican II: Dogmatic Constitution Of Divine Revelation- Download
The Apostolic Model of the Church- Apostolic Centers- Downloadable Article
Apostolic Centers Week 3: Apostolic Centers Rising: Making the Transition:Homework
Apostolic Centers Week 3: Apostolic Centers Rising: Making the Transition
Apostolic Centers Week 4: Discovering Apostolic Centers
Apostolic Centers Week 4: Discovering Apostolic Centers Quiz #1
Apostolic centers Week 5: The Law of Apostolic Attraction
Apostolic Centers Week 5: The Law of Apostolic Attraction Homework