Course curriculum

    1. Ministry 101 Syllabus

    1. Week 1: The Call

    2. Ministry 101 The Call 2.pdf

    3. Homework Due by 11:59 pm on Sunday September 19th

    1. The Preparation PowerPoint Slides

    2. Homework Week 2

    3. Ministry 101 Week 2: The Preparation

    1. Ministry 101 Instruction.pdf

    2. Homework #3

    3. Ministry 101 Week 3: The Instruction

    1. Week 4 Methods

    2. Homework #4

    3. Ministry 101 Week 4: The Method

    1. Ministry 101 Week 5: The Building

    2. Building PDF

About this course

  • $175.00
  • 18 lessons
  • 9.5 hours of video content